Tuesday 1 July 2008

Bjork drums for Sigur Ros at Icelandic homecoming

Bjork and Sigur Ros thrilled a woolly jumper-clad crowd in Reykjavik on Saturday night (June 28) in a free concert to celebrate nature.

The open-air Nattira festival was stage to raise awareness about the impact of Aluminium smelting activity on Iceland's landscape.

The increasingly chilly temperatures did not dampen the spirits of the good-natured crowd, who basked in the super-bright nocturnal sunlight as Radium � a soundscape project featuring members of Ghostigital and Bjork's ex-Sugarcubes bandmate Einar Orn - and folk warbler Olof Arnalds warmed up the audience.

Sigur Ros, sporting elaborate headgear, the played a set largely drawn from their new album 'Me� Su� � Eyrum Vi� Spilum Endalaust'.

They were joined by Bjork, who drummed on the band's track 'Gobbledigook'.

The singer then took to the stage for her own spell-binding set, despite suffering from a bad cold, which featured Eiar Orn on trumpet for 'I Miss You'.

Bjork played:

'Brenni� �i� vitar'
'Earth Intruders'
'Pagan Poetry'
'The Pleasure Is All Mine'
'Army Of Me'
'Triumph Of The Heart'
'I Miss You'
'Triumph of the Heart'
'Declare Independence'